1. Title
“Deepening Accountable Local Governance in Rwanda (DALGOR)”
2. Overall objective
To contribute to improved capacity of local governments to confidently and effectively respond to upward, horizontal and downward accountability demands
3. Specific objectives
- To contribute to increased voice of multi-stakeholders in making key national policies, programs and local decision that affect the lives of citizens
- To contribute to increasing ownership and improving the implementation of the governmental action by local governments for better service delivery.
4. Beneficiary Districts
Burera, Gasabo, Ngoma, Nyamagabe, Nyamasheke
5. Source of funds
European Union
This section describes key achievements within the scope of the project’s objectives.
An advanced research design and paper writing workshop for RALGA staff was organized. As a result, RALGA staff have been able :
a) To publish 11 peer-reviewed articles listed below in international publications.
- Social Development Policy Implementation in Rwanda : Challenges of the Implementation of the Community-based Health Insurance Policy in Local Government
- The interface between the role and significance of the Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) and Rwanda’s decentralization mandate
- Local Economy Engagement of Local Stakeholders in Rwanda : Assessing the Capacity of the Joint Action Development Forum (JADF)
- Variables Influencing the Efficiency and the Effectiveness of District Communication in Rwanda : Critical Considerations for Accountability
- The Role of Local Government’s Own Revenue : Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance Local Government Finances in Rwanda
- Gender Equality : Key Challenges and Practical Solutions to Women Participation in Local Governance in Rwanda
- Meeting land related local service delivery standards by local governments in Rwanda : key challenges and practical solutions
- Variables Influencing the Re-election of District Councilors in Rwanda
- Gender Mainstreaming in Local Economic Development : Harnessing Gender Equality and Equity in LED Processes and Practices in Rwanda
- The role of smart technology in collecting land lease fee in Rwanda.
- The Case of Gasabo In Kimironko Sector and Bugesera In Nyamata Sector
- Assessing the capacity of the Joint Action Development Forum ( JADF)
b) To contributed to the process of the publication of two outsourced studies below
- Dynamics of direct citizen participation in Rwandan local governance
- State of elected local councillors & constituency interactions in Rwanda : implications for accountable local governance
Drawing on the findings of the two outsourced studies mentioned above, 5 community policy dialogues were organized in the DALGOR beneficiary districts (Nyamasheke, Nyamagabe, Ngoma, Burera and Gasabo) around evidence-based local decision-making process. For dialogues organized in Ngoma and Burera districts, all the ditricts in the Eastern and Northern Provinces were invited.
Participants to the dialogues included :
- at least one member of the District Council Bureau (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or Secretary) ; - at least one member of the District Executive Committee (Mayor or one of the Vice-Mayors)
- the District senior staff (the District Executive Secretary, The Corporate Services Division Manager, and the Director for Good Governance)
- the Executive Secretaries of Sectors
- the Executive Secretaries of Celles
- representatives of Heads of Villages
- representatives of district stakeholders (Non-Government Organisations, faith based organisations, youth and women councils, Civil Society Organisations and the Private Sector Federation)
6. Project manager