RALGA's 20th Anniversary


At National Parliament Hall located at Kimihurura, City of Kigali, today 6th June 2024, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) held its annual General Assembly meeting and celebrated its 20th Anniversary. In addition to the usual representatives of Districts and City of Kigali, former Mayors and Chairpersons of District Councils since 2001 were present. 

In her welcome remarks, the chairperson of RALGA, Cllr Jeannette NYIRAMASENGESHO, outlined the outcomes of the implementation of the decentralization policy since its adoption in 2000, and RALGA’s contribution along this journey.

Cllr Jeannette NYIRAMASENGESHO, RALGA Chairperson introducing the celebration event

The Chairperson commended the bravery and visionary leadership of His Excellency Paul KAGAME, President of the Republic of Rwanda. She extended her gratitude to him for his guidance towards effective local governments that serve the people.

She also thanked the pioneers who initiated the establishment of RALGA and revealed that they laid strong foundations that allowed their successors to position RALGA as an important actor in the decentralization process. She requested them to remain available to contribute to RALGA’s growth and promised to maintain contact with them.

Subsequently, the Acting Secretary General of RALGA, Francine TUMUSHIME, presented the achievements of RALGA during its 20 years of existence, focusing of the threefold mandate of advocacy, representation and capacity building. She also highlighted major undertakings that RALGA envisages in the forthcoming years.

Francine TUMUSHIME, Ag SG highlighting achievements during the 20 Years 

The Minister of Local Government, Honorable Jean Claude MUSABYIMANA who was the guest of honor, praised RALGA’s contribution in implementing the decentralization policy in Rwanda and its role on the international in the area of good governance.

Hon. Jean Claude MUSABYIMANA, delivers speech at the anniversary

“We are proud that RALGA has been able to assist Local Governments improve their performance and to promote interaction among its members and with its partners. This has also contributed to the positive image of Rwanda’s local governance globally, he said.

The General Assembly also confirmed Mr. Dominique HABIMANA was confirmed as the new Secretary General of RALGA, replacing Mr. Ladislas NGENDAHIMANA who had been occupying the post since March 2018.

Mr. Dominique HABIMANA, appointed New Secretary General addressing RALGA members