Financial Agreement between Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities RALGA Gemeinde- und Städtebund Rheinland-Pfalz /Kommunal-Akademie / Staatskanzlei Rheinland-Pfalz

Today on 26 August 2024, at Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities -RALGA Head Quarter Office, a financial agreement between RALGA and GStB aiming at implementing a project to install and operationalize a document management system at RALGA. The project is part of the Local Governance Exchange Program” project which started in 2017.

Secretary General of RALGA                                                                         Managing Director of Kommunal Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz

The introduction of a DMS is intended to make administrative work effective and sustainable. In General, the benefits include Centralized data storage, audit-proof filing of documents, quick access to documents and thus reduction of search times, saving of archive rooms, reduction of paper and copying costs.

This DMS is under development by HSH Global, a Germany Company specialized in the field of e-government, civil registration, ID management systems, software development which shall offer all services necessary to ensure smooth operation, such as data migration and conversion, software installation, training and a qualified user support. A specific Service Level Agreement (SLA) between RALGA and HSH Global is going to be signed and GStB shall wetness it.

The installation of the DMS at RALGA would also fulfill government requirements, as digital archiving is a high priority in the administrative sector. For both parties, this DMS project, is taken as a pilot and a gradual expansion to the local government entities could follow if necessary.

This financing agreement was signed by Mr. Dominique Habimana, the Secretary General of RALGA and Mr. Stefan Heck, Managing Director of Städtebund Rheinland-Pfalz /Kommunal-Akademie / Staatskanzlei Rheinland-Pfalz. The HSH Global was represented by Mr. Michael Kratz, the Director. 

As wayward, two parties agreed that this agreement shall be extended for a period of three years which shall be expired with 2027.